Heino Pars, bundle with 15 movies

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  • Välek Vibulane
  • Johnny's Seven Friends
  • Laughball
  • The Town of Honeymakers
  • When Men Sing
  • Insects' Summer Games
  • A Little Motorscooter
  • Nail I
  • Ott Outerspace
  • Bonycrone and Captain Drum
  • Bonycrone
  • Cameraman Kõps in Mushroomland
  • Cameraman Kõps in Berryland
  • Cameraman Kõps in Stoneland
  • Cameraman Kõps in Stoneland

Heino Parsi's satirical animafilm about societies in an experimental form consists of four short stories: "Love", "Creeper", "Hooligan" and "Circus". The interrelationships of human nails are aptly and humorously portrayed, be it the love affair of the cavalier and his lady, the efforts of a creepy sole sucker, the bullying of a battered hooligan, and the relationship of a progressive animal trainer with a circus lion.

  • Director
    • Heino Pars
  • Writer
    • Heino Pars
  • Camera Operator
    • Arvo Nuut
  • Artist
    • Georgi Štšukin
  • Composer
    • Ülo Vinter
  • Animators
    • Aarne Ahi
    • Heikki Krimm
    • Tõnis Sahkai
  • Sound Director
    • Ülo Saar
  • Story Editor
    • Silvia Kiik


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